Monday, May 14, 2007

A mother's first

Mommy: It seems I had a lot of firsts to get in yesterday. My first Mother's Day, and the first time we took Cap'n Quinn to a ballgame. I'll let Daddy expound on that. I had a great first Mother's Day. We ate brunch (my favorite thing to do), I got out of work (my next favorite thing to do), and I got to spend a nice, but hot, afternoon with my two favorite people on earth. Mommy wasn't too smart and didn't put any sunscreen on her legs, so today she's walking around like someone with two broken ankles.

Hard to believe I'm someone's mother now, and I couldn't have picked a better little fella. He's the light of my life and makes me smile 100 times a day. I can't wait for the first Mother's Day where I get a macaroni necklace, or a finger-painted plate. Hopefully, next Mother's Day he'll be able to say "Mama," or some version of his choosing. Either way, he'll melt my heart.

Daddy: It was sort of hard to explain the beauty of a perfectly-turned double-play to the young Cap'n Quinn when the home team is losing 9-0 with only one out in the top of the first inning.

The more I think of it, this might have been a pretty bad first baseball experience for our little hero had the day not been so perfect. Sure, the game was a blowout -- the Albuquerque Isotopes narrowed it to within a touchdown (seven runs for those of you who don't realize there aren't actually touchdowns in baseball) by the last inning -- but we had the sunshine, we were at the ballpark, and it was just the three of us.

Look it up. That's the recipe for perfect.

Young Quinn didn't see much of the game. We spent most of the day trying to create the perfect pocket of shade for him to reside in. But he did get his first feeling of grass -- we sat in a special $5 outdoor lawn area -- and he got to hear the crack of the bat, the authentic noises of the greatest game ever created.

There will be a lot of chances to teach about the perfect double-play.

This family will be seeing a lot more baseball to come.

And we'll make sure to treat Mommy to a lot more special Mother's Days, too. Click this link to see one of her presents.

Here's a few more pictures from our brunch with Mommy, our day at the ballpark, and the last one is from today, Quinn's six-month birthday picture in the same outfit he wore home from the hospital:

1 comment:

Erik, Nicole, Quinn & Keaton Siemers said...

hey girls, join the Nov. Moms at