Sunday, August 10, 2008

The little man and the sea

Upon his first glimpse of the Pacific Ocean, Quinn stared out at the expansive, white-capped landscape, and said: "wah wah."

So it's not the most profound statement. Still, Quinn's first trip to the beach -- despite the dismal weather -- was yet another landmark reached at the ripe old age of 21 months.

The water was cold, the wind was blowing, and Quinn had sand in his eyes, but he still couldn't get enough of the salty sea water. Holding Daddy's hand, his bare feet sloshed along the Pacific Shore at Cannon Beach, the ocean waves -- nearly surfable white caps moments earlier -- dissipated to a benign slap at his ankles.

He made friends with the sea gulls, collected a bucketful of rocks, helped Mommy and Daddy make a sandcastle, got wet and sandy enough for it to be a messy problem. Then we ended the day with some seafood and a nap on the hour-and-a-half ride home.

Next time -- and there will be plenty of next times for our little man of the sea -- we hope the weather will be friendlier
But for this time, it was a day that ended with a wave to the Pacific, and another profound statement:

"Bye bye wah wah."

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